Saturday, January 17, 2015


Idea 1: Smoke Machine

I am planning to make a smoke machine for the IT tech fair, it will consist of many components such as the microprocessing unit, exhaust fan module, power source (lithium ion or conventional DC AC output and input source), containment can, speakers and LED lighting system. The smoke machine will have an LED light show and can play music while it releases smoke. It will be controlled through a computer through a USB port which will be connected to an arduino processor. 

This project will require 3 people to do as it requires a vast amount of knowledge on the topic and skills required such as being able to know and use a motherboard to control the machine. We will need 3 people because of 3 roles in this project, a programmer, a person who has knowledge on soldering and motherboards and a person who knows how to build the physical project.

Idea 2: Game

A game can be made for an android phone, this project only requires 2 people to make it. It will be a simple game and coded with JavaScript.

Idea 3: Computer Program

An all in one computer program which can revolutionize the whole world and replace every operating system ever. If it is made, it will take over all the computers and change their OS into something new, something smart. It can run any type of program, whether it be windows, mac or even ios. Everything, it's hardware potential is unlimited in will have unlimited RAM, unlimited power, unlimited usage. It may or may not take over the world in a terminator like sense. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Evaluation on others work

Below are my evaluations of other peoples work.

Evaluations on my work can be found at:

Evaluation on Frederik Lonning's work:

Evaluation on Hayato Sato's work:

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Evaluation on Sports Gear Project

I have enjoyed working on this task. This task has allowed me to enhance several of my skills including my Photoshop skills, my researching skills have also been enhanced as a result of this project.

By designing my product, I had to be able to research on different parts of a phone and computer for my product. This meant that I also had to be able to transpose them into terms and the appropriate versions required for the product that I was doing. For example, I had to search about different types, different memory sizes and different physical sizes of RAM modules and be able to choose an appropriate one for my goggles which will allow for compact storage, sufficient memory for tasks and also with enough speed to run the tasks.

I had also enhanced my knowledge on computer parts by doing this task and it will help me in the future. I learned about how parts of the computer need cooling, the different types of cooling, the different types and sizes of RAM, about processors and their relative speeds, overclocking processors and much more. These will help me in the future as I am planning on building my own custom computer and this will immensely help me as I will have sufficient knowledge on computers enough to build my own.

I have designed my product to change the future of diving and also encourage more and more people to try diving. I hope that a similar product will one day be created, a product like this will enhance the overall experience of the diver and change the face of diving in terms of popularity of diving, safety in diving, the fun that people have while diving and much more.

These goggles will help people who enjoy diving very much and will attract more people to try diving.

                                                                                                                       Elie Nassif

Goggles Creation